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Batch findstr return only field value

How can I return only the value field from a command in batch? For example:

ipconfig /all | findstr "Host Name"

Will return

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : YOUR_HOSTNAME

But I only want the value. In this case, YOUR_HOSTNAME.

Also, if there are more than one line, it should get the first match from the top.


  • for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %b in ( 'ipconfig /all ^| findstr /c:"Host Name"') do set "hostname=%c"
    set "hostname=%hostname:~1%"

    from the prompt. Change %b and %c to %%b and %%c to use within a batch file.

    The caret escapes the pipe, telling cmd that the pipe is part of the command to be executed, not of the for.

    The /c:"Host Name" makes findstr find the precise string Host Name. As you have it, findstr would find either Host or Name, which would deliver a hit on

    Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network:
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter

    for instance.

    To force the first match, append &goto label to the for command line and insert :label between the two lines in a batch file.