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How can I pass my list to button click event?

I was trying to pass my fruit1 list to fruitBtn_Clicked but I was not able to do it. Here is what I tryed before;

fruitBtn_Clicked += (sender, EventArgs) => { fruitBtn_Clicked(sender, EventArgs, fruit1); };

and I got this error;

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error XFC0002 EventHandler "fruitBtn_Clicked" with correct signature not found in type "OOP_proje.Views.Test".

Also I tryed this and I got same error;

fruitBtn_Clicked += delegate (object sender2, EventArgs e2) { fruitBtn_Clicked(sender2, e2, fruit1); };

public partial class Test : ContentPage
  public Test()
    var fruit1 = new List<Fruits> { };


  private void fruitBtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)



  • You can't change the delegate's arguments (number or whatever), that's why you get this error.

    Just declare your variable 'fruit1' in a higher position to be seen by the delegate:

    public partial class Test : ContentPage
        var fruit1;
        public Test()
            fruit1 = new List<Fruits> { };
        private void fruitBtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // use fruit1 here

    You may also change it to a property (then use a Capital):

    public partial class Test : ContentPage
        var Fruit1 { get; set; }