Although I few similar questions already being asked, but I couldn't get head around on how to fix.
Basically I have this function:
Module one.pyx:
cdef char *isInData(data, dataLength):
cdef char *ret = <char *>malloc(200)
memset(ret, 0x00, 200)
if (b"Hello" in data and b"World" in data):
strcat(ret, b"Hello World!")
return ret
Module two.pyx:
import one
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc,realloc, free
cdef char *tempo():
cdef char *str
str = one.isInData(b"Hello what is up World", 23)
# do some stuff
Issue occurs on line str = one.isInData("Hello what is up World", 23)
, I am assuming that as soon as isInData->ret
is assigned to str
. isInData->ret
is deleted which causes this issue. But annyone help me on how to fix this?
import one
This line does a Python import of one
. It doesn't know about any cdef
functions defined in one
(or even that one
is a Cython module...). Therefore it assumes that isInData
is a Python object that it can look up and that it'll be a callable returning another Python object.
cdf char* str = some_python_function()
is unsafe because str
points into the Python object. However the Python object is only a temporary and is most likely freed almost immediately.
What you mean is:
cimport one
which tells Cython that it's a Cython module that you're importing, and it should expect to find the declarations at compile-time. You'll probably need to write a pxd file to give the declarations.
I haven't looked in detail at the rest of your code so don't know if you are handling C strings right. But in general you may find it easier just to use Python strings rather than messing around with C string handling.