Hi i have a problem with mapping in Nhibernate. When I run a linq query referring to one of the component classes of my entity, I get a QueryException as below:
could not resolve property: ClosedCases of: Project.Entities.Headline
I have one table with records which i want to map into multiple objects of my headline entity.
Is there something wrongly set up in my mapping?
My Headline
entity is separated into multiple logical classes as you can see below
public class Headline:Entity
public virtual DateTime Date { get; set; }
public virtual TeamTarget Teamtarget { get; set; }
public class TeamTarget : Entity
public virtual DateTime FromDate { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime ToDate { get; set; }
public virtual TargetItem AchievedTarget { get; set; }
public virtual Team Team { get; set; }
public class TargetItem : Entity
public virtual decimal ClosedCases { get; set; }
public virtual decimal Invoicing { get; set; }
Mapping file:
public class HeadlineMap: ClassMap<Headline>
public HeadlineMap()
Id(x => x.Id).Column("HeadlinesId");
Map(x => x.Date);
Component(x => x.Teamtarget, t =>
t.References(x => x.Team).Column("TeamId").Cascade.None();
t.Component(x => x.AchievedTarget, ti =>
ti.Map(x => x.Invoicing).Column("TeamInvoicing");
ti.Map(x => x.ClosedCases).Column("TeamClosedCases");
The Linq query I am running looks like this:
decimal closedCases = _headlineRepository.All
.Where(x =>
x.Date >= DateTimeExtensionMethods.FirstDayOfMonthFromDateTime(selectMonthFromDate)
&& x.Date <= DateTimeExtensionMethods.LastDayOfMonthFromDateTime(selectMonthFromDate)
&& x.Teamtarget.Team.Id == teamId
).Average(x => x.Teamtarget.AchievedTarget.ClosedCases);
I know that i can access headline item by using team entity by team id and this works, just have problem with the mapping of achieved target. any ideas?
I think your mapping is fine. But as far as I know, it isn't possible to query a nested component with Linq to NHibernate. It can't understand what joins to do, it becomes too complex.
I think it is possible using NHibernate 3's QueryOver API using JoinQueryOver or JoinAlias. You should read this: QueryOver in NH 3.0
Maybe something like this would work:
Headline headlineAlias = null;
TeamTarget targetAlias = null;
Team teamAlias = null;
TargetItem targetItemAlias = null;
var query = session.QueryOver<Headline>(() => headlineAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => headlineAlias.Teamtarget, () => targetAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => targetAlias.Team, () => teamAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => targetAlias.AchievedTarget, () => targetItemAlias)
.Where(x => x.Date >= DateTimeExtensionMethods.FirstDayOfMonthFromDateTime(selectMonthFromDate) && x.Date <= DateTimeExtensionMethods.LastDayOfMonthFromDateTime(selectMonthFromDate))
.And(() => teamAlias.Id == teamId)
.Select(Projections.Avg(() => targetItemAlias.ClosedCases))