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Error occurred while proxying request - CERT_HAS_EXPIRED

After spending some considerable amount of time trying to solve this, here I am seeking some help about this issue.


[HPM] Error occurred while proxying request localhost:3000/auth/authentication-api/clinic/user/login to [CERT_HAS_EXPIRED] (

So I am not able to to make a POST request of the 'login credentials body data; to the path and also getting a 500 Internal Server Error in the browser's network tab inside the dev tools.

What I have done so far to solve this

  • Checked the validity of the certificate and YES it is valid.
  • Upgraded the Nodejs from v8.x.x to V.16.1.4 as per this question (
  • Cleared the node_modules several time, installed dependencies again, even tried restarting and completed my Linux Manjaro updates.
  • Rechecked all of my proxy server codes and tested all the backend api endpoints - all were worked well.

enter image description here

My findings

I asked someone else to run this repo in their PC and it was working well - they could log in and out. Am I missing any steps something here ??



    Adding "secure:false" solved the issue. So basically secure="false" means requests from both HTTP and HTTPS are allowed.

      target: '',
      changeOrigin: true,
      secure: false,
