The regular hexagon sequence is defined as follow.
how to generate regular hexagon sequence of n?
I used some observations:
from collections import deque
def hexagon_pattern(n):
if n == 1:
return [1]
# Denotes how many rows we need
n_rows = 4 * n - 3
# Create a row as a tuple of left half and right half
# This is done as if we are in the right half of the
# hexagon, we append to the left, otherwise we append to
# the right
rows = [(deque([]), deque([])) for i in range(n_rows)]
# Denotes the dimension of a line (how many numbers)
# we push to a line
# Obs: this starts from n - 1 and continues to 0
# If this is 0, it means we have to fill in only the number
# in the center of the hexagon
line_dim = n - 1
# Denotes the number that needed to be introduced in the pattern
crt_num = 1
# Start row to the current hexagon
# Obs: the start row of next hexagon is at a distance of 2
# from the previous start row of the previous hexagon
start_row = 0
# We have n hexagon patterns to fill in
while n:
# Every hexagon pattern start at a different row
crt_row = start_row
# Indicator that we are at the middle number
if line_dim == 0:
# For every level we have a hexagon
for line_no in range(6):
# We have to fill in the hexagon edge
for _ in range(line_dim):
if crt_row >= n_rows:
if line_no < 3:
# We are on the right part of a hexagon (first 3 edges)
# We are on the left part of a hexagon (last 3 edges)
# Increment the number to be added in pattern
crt_num += 1
# If we are on the right vertical line of the hexagon, then we jump 2 lines down
if line_no == 1:
crt_row += 2
# If we are on the left vertical line of the hexagon, then we jump 2 lines up
elif line_no == 4:
crt_row -= 2
# If we are on the right side of the hexagon we jump one line down
elif line_no < 3:
crt_row += 1
# If we are on the left side of the hexagon we jump one line up
crt_row -= 1
n -= 1
line_dim -= 1
start_row += 2
# We concatenate the two halves of every row
# After that, we concatanate all the sublists in a single list
result = sum(list(filter(lambda l: l, map(lambda t: list(t[0] + t[1]), rows))), [])
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':