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Eclipse Terminal Not Updating / Weird Behaviour

I am using Eclipse (Theme = DevStyle) for Development of Java Maven Projects.
When working within Eclipse with a Windows Terminal there's very weird behaviour, where the terminal view inside eclipse doesn't update according to the commands like shown in the GIF below:

Console Behaviour

Anyone knows a fix for this?


  • Following this Link provided by @Todd Williams (original commit was by @Jonah Graham) the problem lies with Windows Pseudo Console:

    On Windows the terminal uses the amazing WinPTY library to provide a PTY as Windows did not come with one. For the last number of years, Windows 10 has a native version called Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) which programs such as VSCode and Eclipse Theia have converted to using, in part because of the fundamental bugs that can't be fixed in WinPTY. The WinPTY version in Eclipse is also quite out of date, and hard to develop as it is interfaced to by JNI.

    Therefore disabling Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) by starting Eclipse with the argument -vmargs -Dorg.eclipse.cdt.core.conpty_enabled=false fixes the problem.

    Or you can add the argument to the eclipse.ini file (found in the Eclipse Root Folder)
