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Apache Ignite "Update of composite key column is not supported"

I have a cache with an AffinityKey as Key and want to insert an entry. If i try to insert the entry using a SQL-Insert statement i get an exception stating "Update of composite key column is not supported" which i guess is because the AffinityKey is a composite key. On i have read that if you are using indexed nested objects you will no longer be able to use insert or update statements but it is not mentioned on for composite keys.

Does using composite keys also cause insert and update statements to no longer be usable or am i missing something?


// creating cache using QueryEntities
cache = ignite.CreateCache<AffinityKey, MyClass>(new CacheClientConfiguration(cacheConfiguration)
    Name = "MyCache",
    QueryEntities = new[]
      new QueryEntity(typeof(AffinityKey), typeof(MyClass)){ TableName = "MyTable" }

// insert statement
  new SqlFieldsQuery(
    "INSERT INTO " +
      "MyTable ( " +
        "_key, " +
        $"{nameof(MyClass.Text)} ) " +
      "VALUES ( " +
        "?, " +
        "? )"
    Arguments = new object[]
      new AffinityKey("Key1", "AffinityKey1"),

Solution: As described below by @Alexandr Shapkin, setting "IGNITE_SQL_ALLOW_KEY_VAL_UPDATES" to true makes it possible to update entries via SQL that have been added using a composite key.

For anyone interested shows how to list available ignite properties/environment variables with a brief description.


  • You are mixing the concepts.

    In Apache Ignite you can access or insert your data multiple ways. One would be to use Cache API, like cache#get, cache#put, another option would be - using SQL, like INSERT, SELECT, etc.

    Since eventually everything is just a key-value pair undeneath, Ignite provide a special SQL _key and _val properties to access the corresponded values.

    The thing is - if you don't need to use Cache API and SQL interchangeably and are OK using only, say, SQL, you don't set _key at all.

    On the other hand, if you need to use both APIs, say, defined with QueryEntity just like in your example, you need to specify _key field properly.

    Consider this example:

    IgniteCache<AffinityKey<Long>, Person> colPersonCache = Ignition.ignite().cache(PERSON_CACHE);
    Person p1 = new Person(org1, "John", "Doe", 2000, "John Doe has Master Degree.");
    colPersonCache.put(p1.key(), p1);


    it's fine to do this:

        colPersonCache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery(
            "INSERT INTO Person (id, orgId, firstName, lastName, salary, resume) " +
                "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
            .setArgs(6, 2, "first", "last", 1, "Master Degree")).getAll();

    But in that case, you won't be able to locate the record using cache API:

    // the following line returns null, but you can use SQL to locate the record
    colPersonCache.get(new AffinityKey<Long>(6L,2L)); 

    But if you use _key:

    colPersonCache.query(new SqlFieldsQuery(
                "INSERT INTO Person (_key, id, orgId, firstName, lastName, salary, resume) " +
                    "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
                .setArgs(new AffinityKey<Long>(6L,2L), 6, 2, "first", "last", 1, "Master Degree")).getAll();

    Cache API now does return the value:

    colPersonCache.get(new AffinityKey<Long>(6L,2L)); 
    //Person [id=6, orgId=2, lastName=last, firstName=first, salary=1.0, resume=Master Degree]


    There is a special restriction to avoid possible key desync, and in order to make the latest query (and the original in the question) work, you have to set the following enviroment property:

    System.setProperty(IgniteSystemProperties.IGNITE_SQL_ALLOW_KEY_VAL_UPDATES, "true");