Related to the question asked here: R - Using SelectorGadget to grab a dataset
get_state_index <- function(states, state) {
return(match(T, map(states, ~ {
.x$name == state
s <- read_html("") %>% html_text()
all_data <- jsonlite::parse_json(stringr::str_match(s, "__INITIAL_STATE__ = (.*?\\});w\\.")[, 2])
fullbook <- all_data$covidDataCenter$fullbook
hawaii_dataset <- tibble(
date = fullbook$headers %>% unlist() %>% as.Date(),
yoy = fullbook$states[get_state_index(fullbook$states, "Hawaii")][[1]]$yoy %>% unlist()
I am trying to grab the Hawaii dataset from the State tab. The code was working before but now it is throwing an error with this part of the code:
all_data <- jsonlite::parse_json(stringr::str_match(s, "__INITIAL_STATE__ = (.*?\\});w\\.")[, 2])
I am getting the error:
Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text. NA (right here) ------^
Any proposed solutions? It seems that the website has remained the same for the year but what type of change is causing the code to break?
EDIT: The solution proposed by @QHarr:
all_data <- jsonlite::parse_json(stringr::str_match(s, "__INITIAL_STATE__ = ([\\s\\S]+\\});")[, 2])
This was working for a while but then it seems that their website again changed the underlying HTML codes.
Change the regex pattern as shown below to ensure it correctly captures the desired string within the response text i.e. the JavaScript object to use for all_data
all_data <- jsonlite::parse_json(stringr::str_match(s, "__INITIAL_STATE__ = ([\\s\\S]+\\});")[, 2])
Note: in R the single escape is doubled e.g. \\s
rather than shown \s