I'm trying to update each element every time an read comes from the Bluetooth, I found this
deviceListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(view.getContext(),
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, mylist) {
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View row = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
// do something change color
row.setBackgroundColor (Color.GREEN); // some color
// default state
row.setBackgroundColor (Color.RED); // default coloe
return row;
It does updates the color, but here is the thing I have a list like this one
The list is loaded through a call to a server with Volley.
The things is that when the Bluetooth receive data, check if he id exists in the ListView and update the color to green.
I this even possible? Any thoughts on this can I do this?
So I found what It was missing in the conditional to look if the id has being read.
I had to add testArray.contains()
with that part it works as expected.
row.setBackgroundColor (Color.GREEN); // some color
row.setBackgroundColor (Color.RED); // default coloe
return row;