I have two tables and need to create a one to many relationship between them. tlbsection represents a series of street sections as lines in a city. Each street section has its own id. tlbscans represents a on street scan of a street section counting cars on it. I need to relate tlbscans to tlbsection as a street section and can have more than one scan. What is a good way to do this with with the example data below?
1 | xy | 5713 |
2 | xy | 5717 |
5713 | 30 | 19 |
5717 | 2 | 1 |
The overwhelming question: Is the column section
unique in tlbsections
. If it is then create a unique constraint on it. Then create a FK on column section
in table `tblscans' referencing. Assuming the tables already exist:
alter table tlbsections
add constraint section_uk
unique section;
alter table tblscans
add constraint scans_section_fk
foreign key (section)
references tlbsections(section);
If column section
unique in tlbsections
is not unique then you cannot build a relationship as currently defined. Without much more detail, I suggest you add a column to contain tlbsections.id
, create a FK on the new column then drop column section
alter table tblscans
add tlbsections_id <data type>;
alter table tblscans
add constraint sections_fk
foreign key (tlbsections_id)
references tlbsections(id);
alter table tblscans
drop column section;
There may be other options, but not apparent what is provided.