I installed some python libraries, but they can't be detected. In pycharm they are orange so excluted and Visual Studio Code says "Import "cv2" could not be resolved" if I want to include open cv. I also had 3 Versions of Python at first, but now I only have one left is that a problem?
Deleted old Versions of Python and Anaconda was the only thing that made the pip comand work again. I looked up if everything is installed with "pip list".
You need to have the installed python in your path. The first interpreter it reaches in path will be used, if not just add it to your path
where.exe python
$ENV:PATH = "C:\dist\Python310;$ENV:PATH"
where.exe python
All modules installed with pip will follow the python interpreter used.
Recommend taking a look a https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html
to see how virtual environments are handled.