I have the following data in long format:
testdf <- tibble(
name = c(rep("john", 4), rep("joe", 2)),
rep = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1),
field = rep(c("pet", "age"), 3),
value = c("dog", "young", "cat", "old", "fish", "young")
For each named person (John and Joe), I want to summarise EACH of their pets:
For some reason I can't seem to deal with the repeating events/pets in "John" data.
If I filter just for Joe (only has one pet), the code works.
Any help much appreciated...
testdf %>%
group_by(name, rep) %>%
# filter(name == "joe") %>% # when I filter only for Joe, the code works
about = paste0(
"The pet is a: ", .[field == "pet", "value"], " and it is ", .[field == "age", "value"]
testdf %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = name:rep,names_from = field) %>%
mutate(about = paste0("The pet is a: ", pet, " and it is ", age))
name rep pet age about
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 john 1 dog young The pet is a: dog and it is young
2 john 2 cat old The pet is a: cat and it is old
3 joe 1 fish young The pet is a: fish and it is young
This can also be done with data.table, as follows:
,j = .(about = paste0("The pet is a ", .SD[field=="pet",value], " and it is ", .SD[field=="age",value])),
by = .(name,rep)
name rep about
1: john 1 The pet is a dog and it is young
2: john 2 The pet is a cat and it is old
3: joe 1 The pet is a fish and it is young