My task is to write a preprocessor that replaces the constant variable with its actual value. To do this, I have created a struct and a vector to store the constant name and value. But unfortunately, I'm getting all kinds of compile errors. Can anyone spot any potential issues? Thank you in advance
using namespace std;
struct constantVariable
string constantName;
string constantValue;
void defineReplace(string line)
vector <constantVariable> constant;
string token;
stringstream stream(line);
while(stream >> token)
if(token == "#define")
stream >> token;
constant.constantName = token;
stream >> token;
constant.constantValue = token;
Simply use a new local variable inside your reading loop like this:
while(stream >> token)
if(token == "#define")
constantVariable addconstant;
stream >> token;
addconstant.constantName = token;
stream >> token;
addconstant.constantValue = token;
But take care with checking the input stream. It should not be done as easy as you did it... but that is another question.