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From count to cases in R

I have a dataset with a column which indicate the number of occurence of a group constituted by multiples variables. Here SEXand COLOR.

CASES <- base::data.frame(SEX   = c("M", "M", "F", "F", "F"), 
                          COLOR = c("brown", "blue", "brown", "brown", "brown"))

I need to change the structure of the dataset, so I have one row for each occurence of the group. Someone helped me to create a function which works perfectly.

countsToCases <- function(x, countcol = "Freq") {
    # Get the row indices to pull from x
    idx <-, x[[countcol]])
    # Drop count column
    x[[countcol]] <- NULL
    # Get the rows from x
    x[idx, ]

CASES <- countsToCases(

The problem is now that I have a HUGE dataset (the babyname dataset from tidytuesday), and this is not working since it's too slow.

db_babynames <-$babyname)

db_babynames <- db_babynames[
  j = characters_n := stringr::str_count(string  = name,
                                         pattern = ".")
  j = c("year", "characters_n", "n")

I'm looking for a faster solution, working with the data.table package if possible.


  • If an uncounted version is needed I would use tidyr::uncount(), but consider the recommendation in this post to work with your original data

    CASES <- base::data.frame(
      SEX   = c("M", "M", "F", "F", "F"),
      COLOR = c("brown", "blue", "brown", "brown", "brown")
    COUNT <- count(CASES, SEX, COLOR, name = 'Freq')
    tidyr::uncount(, Freq)
    #>   SEX COLOR
    #> 1   F brown
    #> 2   F brown
    #> 3   F brown
    #> 4   M  blue
    #> 5   M brown

    Created on 2022-03-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)