I am fairly new to PowerShell programming, so need help with set of strings I have as described below:
I want to pad zero to each number in between -
if that number is between 1
and 9
. So the result should look like:
I came up with the following code but was wondering if there is a better/faster solution.
$Filenum = "14-2-1-1"
$hicount = ($Filenum.ToCharArray() | Where-Object{$_ -eq '-'} | Measure-Object).Count
$FileNPad = ''
For ($i=0; $i -le $hicount; $i++) {
$Filesec= "{$i}" -f $Filenum.split('-')
If ([int]$Filesec -le 9)
$FileNPad = "$FileNPad-"+"0"+"$Filesec"
$FileNPad = $FileNPad.Trim("-"," ")
Instead of trying to manually keep track of how many elements and inspect each value, you can simply split on -
, padleft, then join back together with -
"14-2-1-1","14-2-1-1-1","14-2-1-1-10" | ForEach-Object {
($_ -split '-').PadLeft(2,'0') -join '-'
Which outputs