Suppose I were given some mapping f
on a flow network represented as a sparse matrix of flows on each edge. Would it be possible to verify that this mapping is indeed a flow in polynomial time?
i.e. it would need to satisfy
If I were to do a BFS on this flow network, I am worried I could run into the issue where for every edge in the DAG I would need to iterate over every one of the outgoing edges and I am unsure if this will take exponential time or not. Would this be possible to do in polynomial time?
I think you can do it in O(V+E) time :
For every vertice v
make a counter counter_v
at 0.
For every edge e
, check that f(e)<= c(e)
(the flow is less than the capacity). If that's not the case, you're done, it's not a valid flow. Else, with e
going from v1 -> v2
you decrement v1's counter by the flow, and increment v2's by the flow : counter_v1 -= f(e); counter_v2 += f(e)
For every vertice other than s
and t
, check that the counter is 0, ie the total flow going through the vertice is 0.
That's it, you checked every vertice twice and every edge once, so O(V+E)