I need to use the Android Camera. Therefore I am using following Template: https://github.com/android/camera-samples/tree/main/Camera2SlowMotion
I added a Butten to the fragment_camera.xml https://github.com/android/camera-samples/blob/main/Camera2SlowMotion/app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_camera.xml
tools:layout_editor_absoluteY="473dp" />
In the CameraFragment.kt I now want to call a function when the button is clicked. In my understanding I therefore need to create a setOnClickListener.
I thought about adding following line in Line 309. that would call a function i then create. But the "." after fragmentCameraBinding.changeFocusButton is always red and won't go away.
fragmentCameraBinding.changeFocusButton.setOnClickListener { chnageFocuslen() }
What do I need to change / where do I need to add the OnClickListener?
Thank you very much in advance!
I had to download the sample because I couldn't see what the issue was from the snippets in your post.
The issue is that CameraFragment
has two layout files, one in the default folder layout
, and one in layout-land
for landscape orientation. So you need to add your change_focus_button
XML to both layout files to make it not nullable
when you access it via fragmentCameraBinding
in CameraFragment