I am trainig a reinforcement learning model on google colab using tune
and rllib
At first I was able to show the training results useing tensorboard but it is no longer working and I can't seem to find where it comes from, I didn't change anything so I feel a bit lost here.
What it shows (the directory is the right one) :
The training phase:
config = {"env" : CustomEnv2,
# "evaluation_interval" : 2,
# "evaluation_num_episodes" : 2,
"num_workers" :1},
# checkpoint_at_end=True,
stop={"training_iteration": 10},
local_dir = './test1')
Plotting results:
%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir='/content/test1/PPO/PPO_CustomEnv2_024da_00000_0_2022-03-23_09-02-47'
You are using Rllib, right? I actually don't see the tensorboard file (i.e. events.out.tfevents.xxx.xxx) in your path. Maybe you should check if you have this file first.