When I use Luke V3.3.0, it tells me that the Lucene index that I am opening is:
I am using Solr 3.3, I removed previously my folder /var/data/solr/myrepository before indexing. I would expect the version to be Lucene 3.3. There is no index change between Lucene 3.1 and Lucene 3.3 ? At the end of the day, I just want to make sure that my index was created using Lucene 3.3. Any easy way to get the Lucene index version is what I am looking for.
Also field collapsing works so, if there's an index change, my index version is correct. I don't see this info either from the Solr admin page.
Thank you.
You can see the Lucene version being used by clicking on the [Info] link on the top of the Solr Admin page. It will take you to http://<yourserver:port>/<instancename>/admin/registry.jsp
The Solr and Lucene Specification and Implementation versions are listed in the top section of the Solr Info page.
I am using Solr 3.3 and this is what I see...
Solr Specification Version: 3.3.0
Solr Implementation Version: 3.3.0 1139785 - rmuir - 2011-06-26 09:25:01
Lucene Specification Version: 3.3.0
Lucene Implementation Version: 3.3.0 1139782 - 2011-06-26 09:27:19
Current Time: Tue Aug 23 08:35:27 EDT 2011
Server Start Time:Mon Aug 22 14:32:28 EDT 2011