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Can't escape brackets concatenated with variables in Ansible

I need to update records in a database table using Ansible, the value I need to put in the field is in the form : ["\/{{name}}"] where name is a variable.

So, if the value of name is Alex the updated value of the url column will be exactly ["\/Alex"].

I am doing this as below:

  - name: Update record
      query: > 
        update table1 set url = %s
      - '["\/{{name}}"]'

When I check the database after running the playbook, the value I found is: {'\\/Alex'}; the brackets are replaced by curly braces and the backslash is duplicated, and the double quotes are replaced by single ones.

I tried multiple work-arounds like escaping the brackets and the backslash: '\["\\/{{name}}"\]' and I also tried doing this: '{% raw %}["\/{% endraw %}{{name}}{% raw %}"]{% endraw %}' (took this from jinja2 docs), but none worked.


  • It seems you actually have to cast your name variable in a string, otherwise, Jinja is somehow interpreting your list item as a set{'\/Alex'} is a set in Python.

    So, your correct syntax would be:

    - name: Update record
        query: > 
          update table1 set url = %s
          - '["\/{{ name | string }}"]'

    Given the playbook:

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: no
        - postgresql_query:
            query: >-
              update table1 set url = %s
              - '["\/{{ name | string }}"]'
            name: Alex
          register: sql
        - debug: 
            var: sql.query

    This yields, as expected:

    TASK [postgresql_query] ******************************************************
    changed: [localhost]
    TASK [debug] *****************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => 
      sql.query: update table1 set url = '["\/Alex"]'