I am using a development, staging, production server environment with some other developers.
Right now we make changes, test them on our dev server(personal computer) then once we are happy with the changes and want to show them to the client or internal review we commit the changes to repository and update the staging server's working copy via samba(tortoiseSVN) or ssh.
This gets really tedious and repetitive. I am looking to have an post-commit hook update the remote staging server but the only options seem to involve hard coding a user creds in the hook for SSH or creating a network mount with a user account. Is there a way to pass the user authentication from the initial commit to the staging server to update or any other suggestions?
Other setup solutions welcome.
If you are worried about hard-coding user SSH credentials into your script, you can create an SSH keypair without a password. On the destination machine, you will want to restrict that keypair to only run Subversion by adding
command="/path/to/svnserve -t"
to the front of the SSH authorized keys file, like:
command="/usr/bin/svnserve -t" ssh-dss <key text>
Modify your hook script to use this key for login, and you will have (slightly) more security than a traditional no-password SSH key.