I am writing test class for Apex batch but I am getting just 35% test coverage. Can someone please help me with that?
Main Class
global class Emailalertbatchclass implements Database.Batchable\<sObject\>, Schedulable, Database.Stateful {
//Variable Section
global FINAL String strQuery;
global List<String> errorMessages = new List<String>();
global Emailalertbatchclass() {
this.strQuery = getBatchQuery();
//Returns the Query String to Batch constructor to fetch right records.
private static String getBatchQuery() {
String strQuery = 'Select Id, Management_Referral_Source__c,Name, Amount, StageName, LastModifiedDate, createddate, OwnerId, Owner.Email, (SELECT createddate, OldValue, NewValue FROM Histories where Field = \'StageName\' order by createddate desc LIMIT 1) from Opportunity where StageName NOT IN (\'Closed Won - Deal Funded\', \'Closed Lost - Deal Dead\') AND Management_Referral_Source__c IN (\'Steven Tulman\', \'Rick Sekhon\', \'Cody Krieser\') order by createddate desc';
return strQuery;
// return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
//Batch Start method
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
return Database.getQueryLocator(getBatchQuery());
//Batch Execute method calls findCostForWoD method
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scopeList) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, '== scopeList size ==' + scopeList.size());
Set<Integer> daysToBeCompare = new Set<Integer>{2,4,6,8,10};
List<Opportunity> ld = (List<Opportunity>) scopeList;
if(!ld.isEmpty()) {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> mailList = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
for (Opportunity opp : ld){
Date todayDate = Date.today();
DateTime dt;
OpportunityFieldHistory oppHistory = opp.Histories[0];
dt = oppHistory.createddate;
dt = opp.createddate;
Date fromDate = Date.newInstance(dT.year(), dT.month(), dT.day());
Integer numberDaysDue = fromDate.daysBetween(todayDate);
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage message = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'preeti.bhale21@gmail.com'};// {opp.Owner.Email,'','',''};
message.SaveAsActivity = false;
if(!mailList.isEmpty()) {
List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> result = Messaging.sendEmail(mailList);
for (Messaging.SendEmailResult mr : result)
if (!mr.isSuccess()) {
//Do something for success
// Operation failed, so get all errors
for(Messaging.SendEmailError err : mr.getErrors()) {
System.debug('The following error has occurred.');
System.debug(err.getStatusCode() + ': ' + err.getMessage());
System.debug('fields that affected this error: ' + err.getFields());
catch (Exception ex) {
// System.debug(ex.getStackTraceString());
errorMessages.add('Unable to send email to Tech: '+ ex.getStackTraceString());
//Batch Finish method for after execution of batch work
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
AsyncApexJob aaj = [Select Id, Status, NumberOfErrors, JobItemsProcessed, MethodName, TotalJobItems, CreatedBy.Email from AsyncApexJob where Id =:BC.getJobId()];
// Send an email to the Apex job's submitter notifying of job completion.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {aaj.CreatedBy.Email};
mail.setSubject('JOB Salesforce Send Notification Batch: ' + aaj.Status);
String bodyText='Total Job Items ' + aaj.TotalJobItems + ' Number of records processed ' + aaj.JobItemsProcessed + ' with '+ aaj.NumberOfErrors + ' failures.\n';
bodyText += 'Number of Error Messages ' + errorMessages.size() + '\n';
bodyText += 'Error Message' + String.join(errorMessages, '\n');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
//Method which schedules the ProductDownloadBatch
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
Emailalertbatchclass snInstance = new Emailalertbatchclass();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(snInstance);
Test Class
public class EmailAlertBatchTest {
public static void makeTestData(){
Account acc = new Account();
acc.Name = 'Test Account' ;
acc.Status__c = 'Hot' ;
acc.Client_Email_Address__c = 'testaccount@xyz.com' ;
acc.Mobile_Phone__c = '918188181' ;
Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
opp.Urgency__c = 'Closed Won';
opp.Status__c = 'Closed Won';
opp.StageName = 'Appraisal Received - Under Value';
opp.CloseDate = date.parse('2022-03-31');
opp.Client_Type__c = 'New';
opp.Amount = 100000;
opp.Main_Email__c = 'xyz@gm.com';
opp.Current_Address__c = '111 xyz Mumbai';
opp.SourceOfLead__c = 'Inbound Email';
opp.Homeowner__c = 'Yes';
opp.Residential_Lead__c = 'Yes';
opp.Purpose_Of_Loan__c = 'Purchase';
opp.What_are_the_best_times_to_reach_you__c ='2 am Morning';
opp.Agent_s_Name__c = 'Steven Crowe';
opp.Name='Test Class Opp';
public static void testBatchExecuteMethod()
Emailalertbatchclass snInstance = new Emailalertbatchclass();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(snInstance);
Where's the insert opp;
line? There are no opportunities, nothing to loop over.
And in unit test the OpportunityHistory table will be blank. You might be forced to use seeAllData=true
in the test or use tricks such as https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/q/4007/799