I have a html like:
<div class='mesage-in'> cool text here </div>
<div class='mesage-in'> bad text here </div>
and my python code like:
texto = navegador.find_element_by_class_name('message-in').text
Is it possible make this get all elements with same class name and put on a array or define as different variable like this?
-> cool text here
-> bad text here
-> cool text here
-> bad text here
Actualy my code only get the first one
As per the HTML:
<div class='mesage-in'> cool text here </div>
<div class='mesage-in'> bad text here </div>
The following line line of code:
texto = navegador.find_element_by_class_name('message-in').text
will always identify the first matching element, extract the text and assign it to texto
. So when you try to print texto
, the text of the very first element i.e. cool text here is printed.
You can get all elements with same classname i.e. mesage-in
and put on a list as follows:
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
texto = navegador.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'message-in')
Now you can print the desired texts with respect to their index as follows:
To print cool text here:
print(texto[0].text) # prints-> cool text here
To print bad text here:
print(texto[1].text) # prints-> bad text here
You can also crate a list of the texts using List Comprehension and print them as follows:
texto = [my_elem.text for my_elem in driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "message-in")]
print(texto[0]) # prints-> cool text here
print(texto[1]) # prints-> bad text here