I need to reshape a dataframe so that some of the variables (Diag1, Diag2, Diag3) change to long wile others (Period) change to wide. Basically they need to swap places.
I have recreated the original dataframe in the example below. I've tried using pivot and melt separately to no avail as demonstrated in the example.
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Period':['0 Month','3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month',
'3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month',
'3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month',
'3 Month','0 Month','3 Month','0 Month','3 Month',],
dfp = df.pivot(index=["ID",], columns='Period',).reset_index()
dfm = df.melt(id_vars=["ID",],value_vars=['Period'])
The desired outcome is:
ID Diagnosis 0_Month 3_Month
1 Diag1 0 1
1 Diag2 0 0
1 Diag3 0 0
2 Diag1 0 1
2 Diag2 1 0
2 Diag3 1 0
3 Diag1
3 Diag2
3 Diag3 etc...
I suspect I need some combination of the 2 but am struggling to find any examples. My brain is beginning to melt as a consequence...
You could melt
; then pivot
out = (df.melt(id_vars=['ID', 'Period'], var_name='Diagnosis')
.pivot(['ID','Diagnosis'], 'Period', 'value')
ID Diagnosis 0 Month 3 Month
0 1 Diag1 0 1
1 1 Diag2 0 0
2 1 Diag3 0 0
3 2 Diag1 1 0
4 2 Diag2 1 0
.. .. ... ... ...
28 10 Diag2 1 0
29 10 Diag3 1 0
30 11 Diag1 0 0
31 11 Diag2 0 0
32 11 Diag3 1 0
[33 rows x 4 columns]