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Using column as tiebreaker for maximums in Python

Reposted with clarification.

I am working on a dataframe that looks like the following:

| Value | ID | Date | ID 2 |
|     1 |  5 | 2012 | 111 |
|     1 |  5 | 2012 | 112 |
|     0 | 12 | 2017 | 113 |
|     0 | 12 | 2022 | 114 |
|     1 | 27 | 2005 | 115 |
|     1 | 27 | 2011 | 116 |

Only using rows with "Value" == "1" ("value is boolean), I would like to group the dataframe by ID and input the string "latest" to new (blank) column, giving the following output:

| Value | ID | Date | ID 2 |Latest |
|     1 |  5 | 2012 | 111 |        |
|     1 |  5 | 2012 | 112 | Latest |
|     0 | 12 | 2017 | 113 |        |
|     0 | 12 | 2022 | 114 |        |
|     1 | 27 | 2005 | 115 |        |
|     1 | 27 | 2011 | 116 | Latest |

I am using the following code to find the maximum:

latest = df.query('Value==1').groupby("ID").max("Year").assign(Latest = "Latest")
df = pd.merge(df,latest,how="outer")

But I have since realized some of the max years are the same, i.e. there could be 4 rows, all with max year 2017. For the tiebreaker, I need to use the max ID 2 within groups.

latest = df.query('Value==1').groupby("ID").max("Year").groupby("ID 2").max("ID 2").assign(Latest = "Latest")
df = pd.merge(df,latest,how="outer")

but it is giving me a dataframe completely different than the one desired.


  • Here's one way a bit similar to your own approach. Basically, groupby + last to get the latest + assign a variable + merge:

    df = df.merge(df.groupby(['ID', 'Value'])['ID 2'].last().reset_index().assign(Latest=lambda x: np.where(x['Value'], 'Latest', '')), how='outer').fillna('')

    or even this works:

    df = df.query('Value==1').groupby('ID').last('ID 2').assign(Latest='Latest').merge(df, how='outer').fillna('')


       Value  ID  Date  ID 2  Latest
    0      1   5  2012   111        
    1      1   5  2012   112  Latest
    2      0  12  2017   113        
    3      0  12  2022   114        
    4      1  27  2005   115        
    5      1  27  2011   116  Latest