I have an object with a lot of nested objects with this structure:
type itemType = {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } };
Which is the best way to write it cleaner, without a lot of type repetitions in Typescript?
You can do something like this
type itemNode<D, Depth extends any[] = []> =
Depth extends {length: D}
? never //Stop when we hit desired depth
: {
[index: string]: itemNode<D, [...Depth, true]>
type testItem = itemNode<4>
type testItem = {
[index: string]: {
[index: string]: {
[index: string]: {
[index: string]: never;
This works using condtionals and recursion. We simply have a recursive type, which we append a tuple to each layer deeper we go, and then once we hit the desired depth we stop.
See it on TS Playground