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How to export SHAP local explanations to dataframe?

I am working on a binary classification using random forest and trying out SHAP to explain the model predictions.

However, I would like to convert the SHAP local explanation plots with values into a pandas dataframe for each instance.

Is there any one here who can help me with exporting SHAP local explanations to pandas dataframe for each instance?

I know that SHAPASH has .to_pandas() method but couldn't find anything like that in SHAP

I tried something like below based on the SO post here but it doesn't help

feature_names = shap_values.feature_names
    shap_df = pd.DataFrame(shap_values.values, columns=feature_names)
    vals = np.abs(shap_df.values).mean(0)
    shap_importance = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(feature_names, vals)), columns=['col_name', 'feature_importance_vals'])
    shap_importance.sort_values(by=['feature_importance_vals'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

I expect my output something like below. Here, negative sign indicates feature contribution for class 0 and positive values indicates feature contribution for class 1

subject_id       Feature importance      value (contribution)
   1                       F1                  31
   1                       F2                  27
   1                       F3                  20
   1                       F5                  - 10
   1                       F9                  - 29


  • If you have a model like this:

    import xgboost
    import shap
    import warnings
    # train XGBoost model
    X,y =
    model = xgboost.XGBRegressor().fit(X, y)
    # explain the model's predictions using SHAP values
    # (same syntax works for LightGBM, CatBoost, and scikit-learn models)
    background = shap.maskers.Independent(X, max_samples=100)
    explainer = shap.Explainer(model, background, algorithm="tree")
    sv = explainer(X)

    you can decompose your results like this:




    array([-7.68297079e-01, -4.38205232e-02,  3.46814548e-01, -4.06731364e-03,
           -3.17875379e-01, -5.37296545e-01,  2.68567768e-01, -1.30198611e+00,
           -4.83524088e-01, -4.39375216e-01,  2.94188969e-01,  2.43096180e-02,


    array([24.019339], dtype=float32)

    Which is exactly equal to:

    sv.base_values[0] + sum(sv.values[0])


    If you want to put results to Pandas df:

    pd.DataFrame(sv.values[0], index = X.columns)

    CRIM    -0.768297
    ZN      -0.043821
    INDUS    0.346815
    CHAS    -0.004067
    NOX     -0.317875
    RM      -0.537297
    AGE      0.268568
    DIS     -1.301986
    RAD     -0.483524
    TAX     -0.439375
    PTRATIO  0.294189
    B        0.024310
    LSTAT    4.638906

    Alternatively, if you wish everything arranged row-wise:

        np.c_[sv.base_values, sv.values],
        columns = ["bv"] + list(X.columns)