I have a number of pages rendered by django templates to which I have applied bootstrap-table to implement column switching, client-side pagination, and multi-column sorting. This was after having created a fully functioning django template.
My tables are very large and each column has multiple manipulations, such as:
A number of the manipulations utilize simple_tags and filters written in python. There's even one template that uses javascript to do some custom stuff with some colspans using bootstrap table events (e.g. $("#advsrchres").bootstrapTable({onAll: ...
And every example I look at that uses bootstrap-table's server-side pagination, there is no template and all the data is obtained using a "data-url
" that returns JSON.
I'm hoping I'm wrong about this, but my assessment is that I would have to rewrite all those cell decorations in the template in javascript or something. I haven't started looking into how to do it yet, so after much fruitless googling, I'm here to see if anyone knows a way to not have to entirely rewrite those huge django templates in order to implement server-side pagination? Is there a way to tell bootstrap-table to insert the data from the JSON into the django template?
Here's a sample of one of the templates...
<table class="table table-hover table-striped table-bordered"
<colgroup span="8" class="identdata"></colgroup>
<colgroup span="4" class="datadata"></colgroup>
<colgroup span="12" class="metadata"></colgroup>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Animal" class="idgrp">Animal</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Sample" class="idgrp" data-switchable="false">Sample</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Tissue" class="idgrp">Tissue</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Peak_Group" class="idgrp">Peak Group</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Compound_Name" class="idgrp">Measured<br>Compound</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Compound_Synonym" class="idgrp">Measured<br>Compound<br>Synonym(s)</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Labeled_Element" class="idgrp">Labeled<br>Element</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Peak_Group_Set_Filename" class="idgrp">Peak Group Set Filename</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Total_Abundance" class="datagrp" data-switchable="false">Total<br>Abundance</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Enrichment_Fraction" class="datagrp">Enrichment<br>Fraction</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Enrichment_Abundance" class="datagrp">Enrichment<br>Abundance</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Normalized_Labeling" class="datagrp">Normalized<br>Labeling</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Formula" class="metagrp">Formula</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Genotype" class="metagrp">Genotype</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Sex" class="metagrp">Sex</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Feeding_Status" class="metagrp">Feeding<br>Status</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Diet" class="metagrp">Diet</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Treatment" class="metagrp">Treatment</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Body_Weight" class="metagrp">Body<br>Weight<br>(g)</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Age" class="metagrp">Age<br>(weeks)</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Tracer_Compound" class="metagrp" data-switchable="false">Tracer<br>Compound</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Tracer_Infusion_Rate" class="metagrp">Tracer<br>Infusion<br>Rate<br>(ul/min/g)</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="false" data-sorter="numericOnly" data-field="Tracer_Infusion_Concentration" class="metagrp">Tracer<br>Infusion<br>Concentration<br>(mM)</th>
<th data-valign="top" data-sortable="true" data-visible="true" data-sorter="alphanum" data-field="Study" class="metagrp">Studies</th>
{% for pg in res.all %}
... SNIP ... below shows a sample of 6 of the 24 columns in this particular template
<!-- Body Weight (g) -->
<td class="text-end">
{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.body_weight }}
<!-- Age (weeks) -->
<td class="text-end">
<p title="{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.age }} (d-hh:mm:ss)">{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.age|durationToWeeks|decimalPlaces:2 }}</p>
<!-- Tracer Compound -->
{% if pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_compound is None %}
<!-- Put displayed link text first for sorting -->
<div style="display:none;">None</div>
<p title="Animal has no tracer.">None</p>
{% else %}
<!-- Put displayed link text first for sorting -->
<div style="display:none;">{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_compound.name }}</div>
<a href="{% url 'compound_detail' pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_compound.id %}">
{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_compound.name }}
{% endif %}
<!-- Tracer Infusion Rate (ul/min/g) -->
<td class="text-end">
{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_infusion_rate }}
<!-- Tracer Infusion Concentration (mM) -->
<td class="text-end">
{{ pg.msrun.sample.animal.tracer_infusion_concentration }}
<!-- Studies -->
<!-- Put displayed link text first for sorting -->
<div style="display:none;">
{% define True as first %}
{% for study in pg.msrun.sample.animal.studies.all %}{% if not first %},<br>{% endif%}{{ study.name }}{% define False as first %}{% endfor %}
{% define True as first %}
{% for study in pg.msrun.sample.animal.studies.all %}{% if not first %},<br>{% endif%}<a href="{% url 'study_detail' study.id %}">{{ study.name }}</a>{% define False as first %}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
There are a few things to note here.
So I ended up implementing my own paginator class and took advantage of BST's paginator control decorations. I won't go into the details of the implementation, since there are a number of options, but in order to roll your own paginator when you have:
These are essentially what you would need:
And when you perform the search using the Django ORM, you just have the slice the results based on the page number and rows/records per page.
There are a few quirks to note about Django in this regard:
While you can use .distinct(fields)
(with .order_by(field)
) to mimmic a true SQL left join (where you can get duplicate "root table" records), you have to deal with a few limitations:
because you'll end up with a NotImplemented
relationships, but in the template, you do not, and you have to loop through all possible related record for each duplicate root table record (e.g. {% for rootTable.MMrecs.all }
). But you can work around this limitation using .annotate()
in the view, like: .annotate("myMMtablerec"=F("MMrecs__pk"))
. Then in the template, I just used a template tag to retrieve the specific record from the rootTable.MMrecs.all
that belongs to that row.