I'm migrating from Shared preference to data store using jetpack compose. everything works fine (data is saved and can be retreated successfully). However, whenever a Data is retrieved, the composable keeps on recomposing endlessly. I'm using MVVM architecture and below is how I have implemented data store.
Below is declared in my AppModule.kt
App module in SingletonComponent
fun provideUserPreferenceRepository(@ApplicationContext context: Context):
UserPreferencesRepository = UserPreferencesRepositoryImpl(context)
Then here's my ViewModel:
class StoredUserViewModel @Inject constructor(
private val _getUserDataUseCase: GetUserDataUseCase
): ViewModel() {
private val _state = mutableStateOf(UserState())
val state: State<UserState> = _state
fun getUser(){
_getUserDataUseCase().onEach { result ->
val name = result.name
val token = result.api_token
_state.value = UserState(user = UserPreferences(name, agentCode, token, balance))
Finally, Here's my Repository Implementation:
class UserPreferencesRepositoryImpl @Inject constructor(
private val context: Context
): UserPreferencesRepository {
private val Context.dataStore by preferencesDataStore(name = "user_preferences")
private object Keys {
val fullName = stringPreferencesKey("full_name")
val api_token = stringPreferencesKey("api_token")
private inline val Preferences.fullName get() = this[Keys.fullName] ?: ""
private inline val Preferences.apiToken get() = this[Keys.api_token] ?: ""
override val userPreferences: Flow<UserPreferences> = context.dataStore.data.catch{
// throws an IOException when an error is encountered when reading data
if (it is IOException) {
} else {
throw it
}.map { preferences ->
UserPreferences(name = preferences.fullName, api_token = preferences.apiToken)
I don't know what causes the composable to recompose. Below Is the composable:
fun LoginScreen(
navController: NavController,
userViewModel: StoredUserViewModel = hiltViewModel()
) {
If anyone can tell me where I've done wrong please enlighten me. I have tried to change the implementation in AppModule for UserPreferencesRepository but no luck.
Below is UseState.kt which is just a data class
data class UserState(
val user: UserPreferences? = null
Below is UserPreferences.kt
data class UserPreferences(val name: String, val api_token: String)
I also faced such problem. The solution was became to navigate with LauchedEffect in composable.
if (hasFlight) {
if (hasFlight) {
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {