I have a folder that has about 5 images in and I want to search through the folder and see if any images fit the criteria I am looking for (e.g. 350 width 400 height). I am not sure where to start or what modules I need for this I don't image any, my code can be seen below to see the format the width and height are stored in.
image1 = str(input("Please enter the image filename: "))
open_img1 = Image.open(image1)
w, h = open_img1.size
Any solution or advice would be helpful.
You need to import pillow (pip install pillow to install the library but import PIL to use it in your code) and then you will have something like that:
import os
import PIL.Image
for filename in os.listdir():
if filename.split(".")[-1] in ["png", "jpeg"]:
image = PIL.Image.open(filename)
if image.size == (350, 400):