I have a Dotnet core 6 Web Api that is receiving requests with JWT Tokens containing, among others, a role claim in the payload, like this:
{ "role": "SOME_ROLE" }
Now, I was unable to read from the User object (ClaimsPrincipal) this role. I did not have the same problem with other claims, just the role one, until I found that the problem was that instead of having the role named like in the token ("role"), it was renamed to "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role". That was the reason I could not find it. Does anyone know how to avoid this renaming and leave as it is in the Token?
Asp.net core can automatic mapping some claims, You can add this configuration in Program.cs(Net 6) to avoid this
There are more details in this document, You can refer to it.