Search code examples

Getting Data in PostgreSQL Gorm

I Have my model as follows:

package models

import ""

type Guild struct {
    Id               string         `json:"id" gorm:"primaryKey"`
    DefaultBitrate   int            `json:"defaultBitrate"`
    DefaultState     string         `json:"defaultState"`
    DefaultCategory  string         `json:"defaultCategory"`
    DefaultUserLimit int            `json:"defaultUserLimit"`
    HelpChannel      string         `json:"helpChannel"`
    Generators       pq.StringArray `json:"generators" gorm:"type:text[]"`
    Channels         pq.StringArray `json:"channels" gorm:"type:text[]"`

Functions File:

func (h handler) CreateGuild(guildid string) error {
    guild := &models.Guild{
        Id:             guildid,
        DefaultBitrate: "64",
    if result := h.DB.Create(&guild); result.Error != nil {
        return result.Error
    return nil
func (h handler) GetGuild(guildid string) (models.Guild, error) {
    var guild models.Guild
    if result := h.DB.First(&guild, guildid); result.Error != nil {
        return guild, result.Error
    return guild, nil

So What i do is i create a guild first and then try to get it with the same id yet i don't get anything logged in the console

Database := db.Init()
    h := dbhandlers.New(Database)
    data, err := h.GetGuild("71728137382983743892")


Note: I have already created the guild as such:

 err := h.CreateGuild("71728137382983743892")


2022/03/24 13:37:23 /Users/gaurish/Desktop/Coding/TempVC-Bot/database/handlers/Functions.go:12 SLOW SQL >= 200ms
[1126.461ms] [rows:1] INSERT INTO "guilds" ("id","default_bitrate","default_state","default_category","default_user_limit","help_channel") VALUES ('ASDHA','64','','',0,'')
2022/03/24 13:37:44 /Users/gaurish/Desktop/Coding/TempVC-Bot/database/handlers/Functions.go:19 ERROR: column "asdha" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42703)
[229.439ms] [rows:0] SELECT * FROM "guilds" WHERE ASDHA ORDER BY "guilds"."id" LIMIT 1


func (h Handler) NewGenerator(guildid string, channelid string) {
    guild := models.Guild{
        Id: guildid,
    if result := h.DB.First(&guild, "id = ?", guildid).Update("generators", append(guild.Generators, channelid)); result.Error != nil {


  • When using First with non-number primary keys you need to explicitly specify the column against which you want to match the primary key.

    Official docs:

    If the primary key is a string (for example, like a uuid), the query will be written as follows:

    db.First(&user, "id = ?", "1b74413f-f3b8-409f-ac47-e8c062e3472a")
    // SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = "1b74413f-f3b8-409f-ac47-e8c062e3472a";

    So in GetGuild this:

    h.DB.First(&guild, guildid)

    should be this:

    h.DB.First(&guild, "id = ?", guildid)