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how to run multi fuzz test cases wirtten in one source file with go1.18?

go 1.18 has released serveral days ago.It supports fuzzing in its standard toolchain beginning in Go 1.18

but while i'm trying to write my cases , it can not run multi cases in one package(or one file?). code:

package xxx
func FuzzReverse(f *testing.F) {
    testcases := []string{"Hello, world", " ", "!12345"}
    for _, tc := range testcases {
        f.Add(tc) // Use f.Add to provide a seed corpus
    f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, orig string) {

func FuzzReverse2(f *testing.F) {
    testcases := []string{"Hello, world", " ", "!12345"}
    for _, tc := range testcases {
        f.Add(tc) // Use f.Add to provide a seed corpus
    f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, orig string) {

and i run cmd:

go test  -fuzz .


go test  -fuzz=Fuzz

but the result is:

testing: will not fuzz, -fuzz matches more than one fuzz test: [FuzzReverse FuzzReverse2]

like this: enter image description here

the tutorial didn't tips about it, thx for help.(my first question in stackoverflow, thx a lot!!!!)

I try to wirte multi fuzz cases in one source file,then run cmd: go test -fuzz . expecting it work fuzz-testing,but got an error:\

testing: will not fuzz, -fuzz matches more than one fuzz test: [FuzzReverse FuzzReverse2]


  • all right,I've read the source of Go-fuzz module, it's a fact that it not support multi cases for each execution.

    code in :\Go\src\testing\fuzz.go

    if len(matched) > 1 {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: will not fuzz, -fuzz matches more than one fuzz test: %v\n", matched)
        return false

    I hope that multi cases execution could be supported in the future.