I'd like to understand why something like this doesn't work in PostgreSQL:
SELECT query_to_xml('CREATE TABLE my_table (my_column INTEGER)', FALSE, TRUE, '')
It gives ERROR: CREATE TABLE is not allowed in a non-volatile function
. Fair enough - but when I checked the signature for query_to_xml
, it is marked as volatile:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_catalog.query_to_xml(
query text,
nulls boolean,
tableforest boolean,
targetns text)
LANGUAGE 'internal'
COST 100
AS [...]
Follow-up question: If this isn't allowed, is there any other way to run a dynamic volatile query without PL/PgSQL?
From the manual:
The following functions map the contents of relational tables to XML values.
That means you can't use this function for a CREATE TABLE statement, just SELECT data from a table and turn that into an XML.
The error message however, could be better, I agree.