I'm attempting to create multiple route rules in OCI, for a single route table. However, the for_each meta-argument only works on resources themselves, not related attributes. Psuedo-code example:
resource "oci_core_route_table" "example-rt" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.example-compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.example-vcn.id
route_rules {
for_each = {
# Route dest CIDR
dest1 = var.dest1-cidr
dest2 = var.dest2-cidr
dest3 = var.dest3-cidr
network_entity_id = oci_core_internet_gateway.example-igw.id
destination = each.value
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"
I can obviously point and click in OCI to create these rules, but I'm hoping this can be accomplished with Terraform.
You can use a dynamic
resource "oci_core_route_table" "example-rt" {
compartment_id = oci_identity_compartment.example-compartment.id
vcn_id = oci_core_vcn.example-vcn.id
dynamic "route_rules" {
for_each = toset([var.dest1-cidr, var.dest2-cidr, var.dest3-cidr])
content {
network_entity_id = oci_core_internet_gateway.example-igw.id
destination = route_rules.key
destination_type = "CIDR_BLOCK"