I have an app that accesses cores on a SOLR 4.10.2 instance. I am updating to SOLR 8.11.1.
My app calls the ping api in 4.10.2: the results are returned in xml format. When I make the same call in SOLR 8.11.1, the results are returned in json format.
Is there a setting (in solrconfig.xml? or at a SOLR core ...) that will set the default result type to xml in 8.11.1?
The default queryResponseWriter can be configured in the solrconfig.xml for the core.
I was looking at the solrconfig.xml for the core, and there is a commented section that shows how to set the default as xml:
<queryResponseWriter name="xml"
class="solr.XMLResponseWriter" />
I moved it out of the comment, reloaded the core, and ping now returns xml.