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`ddev magento` results in `permission denied: unknown`

After running ddev start I cannot run magento commands from outside of the container.

% ddev magento
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "/mnt/ddev_config/.global_commands/web/magento": permission denied: unknown
Failed to run magento : exit status 126

the above mentioned path does exist inside the container.

ddev exec magento works.

ddev composer works.

name: myproject
type: magento2
docroot: pub
php_version: "7.4"
webserver_type: nginx-fpm
router_http_port: "80"
router_https_port: "443"
xdebug_enabled: false
additional_hostnames: []
additional_fqdns: []
mariadb_version: "10.3"
mysql_version: ""
use_dns_when_possible: true
composer_version: ""
web_environment: []


  • You don't mention your environment but I imagine you're on macOS with Docker and have enabled experimental settings. Please turn them off... they don't really work right yet. See macOS DDEV drush command Permission denied (Experimental docker settings)