I'm trying to create a "copyWith" method for my class, and it works with most scenarios.
The problem is when I try to set a nullable property to null, because my function cannot recognize whether it's intentional or not.
class Person {
final String? name;
Person copyWith({String? name}) => Person(name ?? this.name);
void main() {
final person = Person("Gustavo");
print(person.name); // prints Gustavo
// I want the name property to be nul
final person2 = person.copyWith(name: null);
print(person2.name); // Prints Gustavo
Does anyone knows some workaround for this situation? This is really bothering me and I don't know how to avoid this situation.
One solution is to use a function to set the value. This gives you more options.
() => null
() => 'Gustavo'
class Person {
final String? name;
Person copyWith({String? Function()? name}) =>
Person(name != null ? name() : this.name);
void main() {
final person = Person('Gustavo');
print(person.name); // prints Gustavo
// I want the name property to be nul
final person2 = person.copyWith(name: () => null);
print(person2.name); // Prints null
final person3 = person.copyWith(name: () => 'new name');
print(person3.name); // Prints new name
final person4 = person.copyWith();
print(person4.name); // Prints Gustavo
It makes setting the name slightly more cumbersome, but on the bright side the compiler will tell you that you've provided the wrong type if you try to pass a string directly, so you will be reminded to add the () =>
to it.