I have downloaded this plugin using " wget https://gerrit-ci.gerritforge.com/job/plugin-code-owners-bazel-stable-3.4/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/bazel-bin/plugins/code-owners/code-owners.jar " and move the code-owners.jar into the xxx/plugins, and then restart my gerrit, but it doesn't work and I can't find this plugin in the Plugins List whose path is /admin/plugins. Hope for help, thanks.
I use gerrit-2.14.16 and jdk8
First of all:
Have you followed all the instructions in the "Admin Guide" of the code-owners plugin documentation?
You have used code-owners plugin target to Gerrit 3.4, is this your Gerrit version? Probably it will not work in a different Gerrit version especially if it's an old one. Take a look at the GERRIT-SITE/logs/error_log file for errors in the plugin initiating.