I had weak of git knowledge.
I have one brach named 4.4.8. and I want modify 1fxxxx commit on master branch.
Master branch already had other version commit.
I don't know how can merge past commit from master to other branch.
--- Branch structure --
4.4.8 branch -- commit1 (current) commit2
master branch -- 1fxxxx - merge remote tracking branch origin/4.4.8 ---
You could do a rebase
git checkout master
git rebase 4.4.8
However, if there are any conflicts, you'll have to resolve them at this point. This will not create a merge commit.
You could do merge
git checkout master
git merge 4.4.8
If there are conflicts, you will have to resolve them. Here is a good beginner's tutorial for that. A merge commit will be created in case it was not a clean merge.