I used pyinstaller to pack the following script in an exe file with pyinstaller -F. For clarity the script concat csv files in one file and export them to a new csv file.
# import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob
from datetime import datetime
#Set filename
file_name = 'daglig_LCR_RLI'
# in the folder
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Delete CSV file
# first check whether file exists or not
# calling remove method to delete the csv file
# in remove method you need to pass file name and type
del_file = path+"\\" + file_name +'.csv'
## If file exists, delete it ##
if os.path.isfile(del_file):
print("File deleted")
else: ## Show an error ##
print("File not found: " +del_file)
# use glob to get all the csv files
csv_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.csv"))
df_list= list()
#format columns
dict_conv={'line_item': lambda x: str(x),
'column_item': lambda x: str(x)}
# loop over the list of csv files
for f in csv_files:
# read the csv file
df = pd.read_csv(f, sep=";", converters = dict_conv, encoding='latin1') #test latin1
#print the location and filename
print('Location:', f)
print('File Name:', f.split("\\")[-1])
#add data frames to a list
RLI_combined = pd.concat(df_list, axis=0)
#Write date to approval_text
now = datetime.now()
# dd/mm/YY
print_date = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
RLI_combined.loc[:, 'approval_text'] = print_date
#replace value_text with n/a
RLI_combined.loc[:, 'value_text'] = "n/a"
#Sum columns
m = RLI_combined['column_item'].isin(['0030', '0050', '0080'])
RLI_combined_sum = RLI_combined[~m].copy()
RLI_combined_sum['amount'] = RLI_combined_sum.groupby(['report_name', 'line_item', 'column_item'])['amount'].transform('sum')
RLI_combined_sum = RLI_combined_sum.drop_duplicates(['report_name', 'line_item', 'column_item'])
RLI_combined = pd.concat([RLI_combined_sum, RLI_combined[m]])
#export to csv
RLI_combined.to_csv(path + "//" + file_name + '.csv', index=False, sep=";", encoding='latin1')
#Make log
# Create the directory
directory = "Log"
parent_dir = path
# Path
path_log = os.path.join(parent_dir, directory)
print('Log folder dannet')
except OSError as error:
print('Log folder eksisterer')
#export to csv
log_name = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S")
RLI_combined.to_csv(path + "//" + 'Log' +"//" + file_name+'_' + log_name + '.csv', index=False, sep=";", encoding='latin1')
Everything works as intended when don't use pyinstaller. If I run the exe file after 10 sec of nothing it writes the following:
What am I doing wrong that causes the error? and could I improve performance so the exe file isn't that slow.
I hope you can point me in the right direction.
I believe I found the solution to the problem. I use anaconda and pyinstaller uses all the installed libaries on the machine. So using a clean install of python and only installling the nescecary libaries might fix the problem. The error seems to be a numpy error and the script isn't using that libary.