Search code examples

SPARQL property paths

I have the following RDF data (Person, worksAt, Branch) (Branch, location, Town) (Town, country, Country)

and the property path

worksAt, location, country

Can I formulate a SPARQL query where given a property e.g. country it will return me the most-left class (i.e. Person) of the graph?


  • without property paths

    SELECT ?person WHERE
      ?person :worksAt ?branch.
      ?branch :location ?town.
      ?town :country :?country.

    with property paths

    Using a sequence path defined as:

    elt1 / elt2 A sequence path of elt1, followed by elt2

    SELECT ?person WHERE
      ?person :worksAt/:location/:country ?country.

    I don't understand what you mean with "given a property e.g. country", do you mean a specific instance instead? For example if the person should work in Germany, you would replace ?country with :Germany.

    These examples assume that your properties only have a single class as a domain, e.g. only persons can work somewhere. Otherwise you have to add ?person a :Person. and so on.