I am trying to make fullname bold with boldFullName func. But obviously, it does not make any change on it. I believe that casting to string is deleting mutableString features. How can I avoid it without returning NSAttributedString
class NewNotificationModel: Serializable {
var fromUser: NewNotificationFromUserModel!
class NewNotificationFromUserModel: Serializable {
var name: String!
var lastName: String!
final class NewNotificationViewModel {
// MARK: Properties
var notificationModel: NewNotificationModel!
private(set) var fullName: String!
init(notificationModel: NewNotificationModel) {
self.notificationModel = notificationModel
self.fullName = boldFullName(getFullName())
private func getFullName() -> String {
guard let fromUser = notificationModel.fromUser, let name = fromUser.name, let lastname = fromUser.lastName else { return "" }
return name + " " + lastname
func boldFullName(_ fullname: String) -> String {
let range = NSMakeRange(0, getFullName().count)
let nonBoldFontAttribute = [NSAttributedString.Key.font:UIFont.sfProTextSemibold(size: 16)]
let boldFontAttribute = [NSAttributedString.Key.font:UIFont.catamaranBold(size: 20)]
let boldString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: getFullName() as String, attributes:nonBoldFontAttribute)
boldString.addAttributes(boldFontAttribute, range: range)
return boldString.mutableString as String
And I am using this fullname in table cell as below
class NewNotificationTableViewCell: UITableViewCell, Reusable, NibLoadable {
@IBOutlet weak var messageLbl: UILabel!
messageLbl.text = NewNotificationTableViewCell.configureText(model: model)
My configureText func is
private static func configureText(model: NewNotificationViewModel) -> String {
guard let type = model.type else { return "" }
switch NotificationType.init(rawValue: type) {
String(format:"new_notification.group.request.want.join.text_%@_%@".localized, model.fullName, model.groupName ?? "")
case .mention?: return String(format:"new_notification.post.mention_%@".localized, model.fullName)
But those .fullName does not do anything about bolding fullName.
Edited as NSAttributedString but this gives error
case .internalCommunicationMessage?: return NSAttributedString(format:("new_notification.announcement.text_%@".localized), args: NSAttributedString(string: model.groupName ?? ""))
with this extension.
public extension NSAttributedString {
convenience init(format: NSAttributedString, args: NSAttributedString...) {
let mutableNSAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: format)
args.forEach { (attributedString) in
let range = NSString(string: mutableNSAttributedString.string).range(of: "%@")
mutableNSAttributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: attributedString)
self.init(attributedString: mutableNSAttributedString)
Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'NSAttributedString'
with this extension
convenience init(format: NSAttributedString, args: NSAttributedString...) {
let mutableNSAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: format)
args.forEach { (attributedString) in
let range = NSString(string: mutableNSAttributedString.string).range(of: "%@")
mutableNSAttributedString.replaceCharacters(in: range, with: attributedString)
self.init(attributedString: mutableNSAttributedString)
I modified my switch cases as below
case .internalCommunicationMessage?:
let content = NSAttributedString(string:"new_notification.announcement.text_%@".localized)
let gn = NSAttributedString(string: model.groupName ?? "", attributes: [.font: UIFont.sfProTextMedium(size: size),
.kern: -0.26])
return NSAttributedString(format: content, args: gn)
the changed return type of configureText
configureText(model: NewNotificationViewModel) -> NSAttributedString
deleted boldFullName function and changed fullName type back to String
and finally inserted as below to label.
messageLbl.attributedText = NewNotificationTableViewCell.configureText(model: model)