I want to write a function which will take a series of fields and input different values into a different databases. Right now it is only two separate database entries but I hope to implement more later. I want to input a new Saint into one table and then, if the user fills in the 'ofRegion' field, I want that to be stored in a different table. My problem comes about when the model tries to input the information for 'ofRegion.' I get a MySQL error ( 1054 ) stating there is an unknown column. I can see by the MySQL error that it is trying to input all the information from the previous entry as well as the new information. How do I clear the old information? Can I even do this or will I need multiple models for each table I want to enter information into?
Model Functions
public function input_saint($newSaintID)
//grab values from post stream
$this->saintID = $newSaintID;
$this->active = 1;
$this->nameFirst = $this->input->post('nameFirst');
$this->nameLast = $this->input->post('nameLast');
$this->gender = $this->input->post('gender');
$this->martyr = $this->input->post('martyr');
$this->nationality = $this->input->post('nationality');
$this->feastMonth = $this->input->post('feastMonth');
$this->feastDay = $this->input->post('feastDay');
$this->about = $this->input->post('about');
//insert information into the saint table
$this->db->insert('saint_table', $this);
public function set_of_region($newSaintID)
$this->saintID = $newSaintID;
$this->ofRegion = $this->input->post('ofRegion');
$this->db->insert('saint_of_region', $this);
Controller Function
public function saint_input()
//Check if user is logged in, if they are not, send them to the login screen
if($this->session->userdata('logged_in') == FALSE)
//load Saint model and get the nation list
//Load the nation list
$data['nationList'] = $this->saint_model->get_nations();
$this->load->view('forms/saint_input', $data);
//generate saintID
$newSaintID = $this->saint_model->get_largest_saintID();
//if specified, record the ofRegion
if($this->input->post('ofRegion') != NULL)
//Send the user to this saint's single view page for review
Thank you very much for your time and work!
That's because you're using $this as an array to store data before inserting it. $this is a reference to the object as a whole and any properties that you set on it will persist until they are unset. One solution is to change to an array for the insert() function as below:
public function set_of_region($newSaintID)
$ins_arr['saintID'] = $newSaintID;
$ins_arr['ofRegion'] = $this->input->post('ofRegion');
$this->db->insert('saint_of_region', $ins_arr);