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How to write JUnit 5 test cases for the following code?

This is the method to write the JUnit test cases for

public List<LoanApiCallEntity> getAllApiCallDetails() {

    return apiCallDetailsRepository.findAll();

Inside the LoanApiCallEntity class these are the following:

public class LoanApiCallEntity {

    @Column(name = "loan_api_call_id")
    private int apiCallId;
    @Column(name="call_timestamp", nullable=false, updatable=false)
    private Timestamp callDateTime;
    @Column(name = "request_url")
    private String requestURL;
    private String requestParameters;
    @Column(name = "username")
    private String username;
    @Column(name = "response_status")
    private String responseStatus;


This is the test case I have tried, but it shows an error:

@MockBean ApiCallDetailsServiceImpl apiCallDetailsService;

@Test public void apiCallDetailsServiceImpltest() {

 LoanApiCallEntity entity = new LoanApiCallEntity();





The error shown while running the project (mvn test) is - LoanApiCallEntity cannot be returned by getAllApiCallDetails().


  • getAllApiCallDetails() returns a list of objects so you need to provide a list as a mock value in the doReturn function call.