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The following Code snippet doesn't return ShareUsageBytes

Get-AzRmStorageShare -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup" -StorageAccountName "StorageAccount" -GetShareUsage

This is the code I am using, but with stand-ins for the actual RG and SAN name. this is the output I get

Name                          QuotaGiB EnabledProtocols AccessTier Deleted Version ShareUsageBytes snapshotTime
----                          -------- ---------------- ---------- ------- ------- --------------- ------------
name1                         100      SMB              Premium
name2                         100      SMB              Premium
name3                         100      SMB              Premium
name4                         100      SMB              Premium
name5                         100      SMB              Premium

So despite the fact that i invoked the specific argument to pull ShareUsageBytes in -GetShareUsage it doesnt actually output that to the column despite outputting all other correct info. i feel like I'm going crazy because I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


  • I believe you will only be able to get share usage when you get the details of a single file share i.e. -GetShareUsage will only work when -Name parameter is specified.

    This is based on the source code here:

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Name))
        string expend = null;
            expend = ShareGetExpand.Stats;
        var Share = this.StorageClient.FileShares.Get(
                   xMsSnapshot: this.SnapshotTime is null? null : this.SnapshotTime.Value.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"));
        WriteObject(new PSShare(Share));