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minifilter send message to r3

I'm writing a minifilter, which wants to notify the r3 application to popup a messagebox in some cases. I used fltsendmessage in minifilter and filtergetmessage in r3. In r3 application, I wrote like:

    while (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == s_portWorker.m_clientPort)
        hResult = FilterConnectCommunicationPort(SERVER_PORTNAME_POPUP, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &s_portWorker.m_clientPort);
        if (IS_ERROR(hResult)) {
        while (true)
            ZeroMemory(&getStruct, sizeof(GET_STRUCT));
            hResult = FilterGetMessage(s_portWorker.m_clientPort, (PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER)&getStruct, sizeof(GET_STRUCT), NULL);

It works fine. But when I stop my minifilter, calling FltCloseCommunicationPort() in driver unload. The port has been closed, but the connection is still in, my r3 process will blocks on FilterGetMessage and never return. I want to stop waiting the messagew when port close, and try to reconnect to my minifilter. What should I do? Since that FilterGetMessage() routine doesn't support a timeout mechanism, Do I have to create a event to notify the r3 when stop the filter?


  • You can implement a timeout mechanism by using lpOverlapped parameter.

    HANDLE hWait = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
    OVERLAPPED op = {0};
    op.hEvent = hWait;
    HRESULT hResult = FilterGetMessage(s_portWorker.m_clientPort, (PFILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER)&getStruct, sizeof(GET_STRUCT), &op);
        HANDLE phHandles[2] = { hWait, g_hTerm };
        WaitForMultipleObjects(2, phHandles, TIME_OUT_VALUE);

    And you can stop listenning by calling SetEvent(g_hTerm);