I am trying to create a Clash/Issue Report in Power BI. Below resource shows how to embed a forge viewer in PowerBI. https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/embed-forge-viewer-inside-power-bi-report
I was wondering how can I represent the clash points in the 3D viewer if I extract the clash data from BIM 360 Insights Data Connector. Any suggestion to present those colorful clash points onto the 3D viewer visual.
It looks a few questions here:
...extract the clash data from BIM 360 Insights Data Connector
Data Connector does NOT provide clash data. Currently it is Model Coordination API can provide the data
represent the clash points in Forge Viewer If it is a clash issue, which means it is also a general issue with 3D pushpin. you can get the data of the 3D pushpin and present them in Forge Viewer by BIM360Pushpin issue extension. This is a sample: https://github.com/Autodesk-Forge/forge-bim360-clashissue Note: The position of the issue is same thing of the clash point.
If it is a common clash data (no associated with issue), unfortunately, Model Coordination API only tells the clashed elements, ids and the clash distance. Technically, inside Forge Viewer, you could calculate a relatively estimation of the clash point (by checking the intersection of the bounding-box of the clashed elements), but it is out of Forge APIs. Currently, the only possible presentation is like I did in this sample, i.e. highlight the clashed elements in different colors. https://github.com/Autodesk-Forge/forge-bim360-clashview Of course, you could place a pushpin (like clash issue above) by a position (e.g. bounding-box center of one element).
About one link you enclosed This link you enclosed is produce Power BI report by the data from Data Connector. As said at the beginning, Data Connector does not provide clash data yet. And that Power BI template does not have Forge Viewer imbedded. https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/bim-360/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Generate-Power-BI-report-of-BIM-360-project-activities.html