I'm trying to export this Sheet to a csv for use in a webmap using this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XQnp7RK-Ddq4wCjpHjmcnVEKood1U08kIfRGr8sDRoU/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet=Sheet1
It works well, except that two of the column headers (lat, long) are not exporting and the column labels in the csv are blank. I tried to change the format of the cell from Automatic to Plain text, but that didn't fix it.
It seems this is an issue with gviz api
as there's an ongoing Google Issue tracker report about it. You may want to click the star icon on the top left of issue report page to indicate that your are also affected by this issue.
As an alternative solution, you may try this way as this will export the same csv file:
Reference: Download link for Google Spreadsheets CSV export
I did some quick tests on my end & after manually downloading the sheet file as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from the Google Sheet UI & after using the alternative solution, there's no issue with missing cells. But when using the gviz api
link, the issue occurs: